Sunday, September 17, 2017

2017 Chezy Champs

Our first off season competition, Chezy Champs!

Real quick, throwback to last year's competition when we won the Judges Award! (We finally received the award from last year).

This year we put our new drive team to the test. Over the past two days. the drive team did pretty good considering the inexperience, and they improved from Saturday to Sunday. We did make a lot of small and careless mistakes that we hope will never occur again. Unfortunately, autonomous was not working well, so this warned us that auto is something we need to work on before Capital City Classic. We also had a problem with out scouting, as we had trained the rookies less than we should have. Considering the difficulty of scouting the fuel in this game, rookies kept making small mistakes that did result in inaccurate data. Since our scouting data is one of our proudest qualities, we are planning on focusing more time on getting accurate data in time for the next competition. We also plan on making more team cheers! As of right now our one team cheer is too long, so we have discussed ideas of short and loud cheers.

Overall, this year's Chezy Champs was definitely a learning experience.

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