Sunday, January 04, 2015

Day 2: We're Getting Somewhere...

Our day began at nine and we began to prototype many designs that came to mind during our brainstorming phase. Initially we thought about building a system such as a haybale stacker in which we pick up from the front and load the totes onto the back of our robot. We built a pick-up mehcanism that one of the three day robots had come up with. Our electrical commitee finished taking off all the elctronics from our 2014 robot, Freyja, and finsihed installing the new electronics for practice to see how everything fits. The programmers started to download the new software and the veterans were teaching the rookies. Our rookie team, Buckingham, came to our school and we spend time with them explaining the rules of the game and helping them decide their role in the game.
Preparing Freyja, our first 2014 robot, to be tested with the RoboRio and other new modules

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