Monday, January 23, 2017

Day 13: Coming Up on the Halfway Point

We began Day 13 immediately going into our committees to work.

Our mechanical committee fixed Heimdall's drive system to showcase tomorrow for Demonstration Day - a day when the programs held at Vanden High School are open for 8th graders to come and inform themselves, and hopefully become interested in. We lathed the drive shafts for e-clips and riveted the chassis. We also spent some time cleaning the welding area and practiced welding.

Our awards committee is sending out the Chairman's essay to request parents and mentors to help edit and improve the essay.

Our design committee cut out mostly everything needed for the chassis. We modeled the 3-stage shooter and we are currently working on making the camera on inventor.

Our programming committee is working on I2C on the raspberry pi. We also finished pit scouting and making constructors for a new object class focused on gears. Others worked on making a gear sub-system.

Our electrical committee crimped talons for the robot.

We ended our work day with a little meeting discussing the current issues and what we plan to focus on in the following weeks.

The issues:
Where is the location of the electronics board? A problem for the design and eletrical committees to solve.
What magazine feeder shall we design and decide to use to feed ball into the turret? A problem for the design committee to solve.
Is there and will there be a location for a climbing mechanism? Whole team must decide on this matter soon.

We decided for the deadlines to be the magazine feeder and climber location on Wednesday, and the location of the electronics board on Friday.

The final robot is fully designed except for the electronics board.
We plan (and want!) to finish the final robot by week 5, meaning to finish the robot in 2 weeks!
We want to finish the bottom layer of the chassis as we are awaiting the newly purchased transmissions and transmission box. The current gear pickup location will be on the back of the robot, with battery on the back of the robot as well.

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